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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HIIT it and Quit It! The ATL Fitness Club "Quickie" Cardio Workout

Cardi-O-M-G...Do we really HAVE to do it to stay in shape?!

We found a recent status update on Facebook the other day that read, " Cardio is like a stepchild. You don't like it, but you still have to deal with it!" And yes, that may be a bit of a mean (and funny...It's a joke, don't get offended) analogy, it can have some truth to it... Most of us (you know who you are) absolutely hate doing cardio. After coming across several exercise articles on the internet, we stumbled across some very helpful info from our fitness friends at Here's what they had to say about the importance of doing cardio to get/stay fit:

Cardio is the most basic thing you can do when it comes to burning calories. Let’s talk science: if you burn more calories than you consume in a day, you will lose weight. Step on a treadmill, run three miles, and you’ll burn around 300 calories. You don’t need any special weights, have extensive knowledge of any difficult exercises, just a pair of shoes (ATL Fitness Club loves ASICS !) and your legs. This is why the majority of people who start exercising do so by just running a treadmill or elliptical for hours: it’s tough to mess up, and it’s pretty mindless.

Now, here’s my problem with cardio: it can be really boring (although running outside is a different story). Secondly, in terms of getting in shape, it’s definitely NOT the most efficient form of exercise. Lastly, although it trains your heart to be in shape by remaining at a higher level of operation while exercising, it doesn’t train your heart to prepare for moments of extreme stress because it never really has to deal with rapid changes (which is explained in the next section).

So why isn’t cardio efficient when it comes to burning calories? There’s very little Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) with cardio, which means you only burn calories WHILE you are running... but not much happens afterwards.

What IS good about cardio? The thing about cardio that makes it better for almost everybody, other than it’s an easy learning curve, is that it’s very low impact – your body can go for hours and hours, day after day, and not get worn out. If you have the desire and willpower (which we have yet to meet anyone who does this but please tell them to email us if you know one/them), you can burn calories all day long. But if you REALLY wanna burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time, why not " HIIT it and quit it?" And by that phrase, friends, we mean...

HIIT ( High-Intensity Interval Training )

When it comes to efficiency in burning calories, high-intensity training is leaps and bounds ahead of cardio. Why is that? Essentially, when you do high-intensity interval training ( HIIT ), your body and metabolism function at a higher rate of burned calories for hours and hours afterwards. What does that mean? It means you’re burning calories while sitting on the couch watching River Monsters during Animal Planet's "Monster Week" (we don't do this...we're just giving you a realistic example!).

So, how does HIIT work exactly?
HIIT constantly forces your heart to adjust to changing conditions: sprints, jogging, sprints, jogging, up hills, down hills, etc. Your heart learns to operate outside of its norm, and your body learns to adapt to these changes. All of this changing and sprinting kicks your metabolism into high gear for hours after you finish exercising. Don't believe us? Keep reading.

A recent study from the University of New South Wales followed the fitness and body composition changes in 45 overweight women in a 15-week period. The women were divided into two groups and assigned interval or continuous cycling routines. The interval “sprint” cycling group performed twenty minutes of exercise, which repeated eight seconds of “all out” cycling and then twelve seconds of light exercise. The continuous group exercised for 40 minutes at a consistent rate. At the end of the study, the women in the interval group had lost three times the body fat as the women in the continuous exercise group. (An interesting note: the interval group’s loss in body fat came mostly from the legs and buttocks area.)

Sooo...yeah. Three times the amount of fat loss and half of the exercise time? Sounds good to us! If you sift through the rest of that article (which can be found on, you’ll find reference after reference discussing the benefits of varying your speed and intensity over straight normal cardio.
Now, the bad thing about HIIT ? It takes your body quite a bit of time to recover, and you can really only do it for 20-30 minutes at a time before you get too exhausted to continue. The other bad thing about HIIT ? Your body will hate you after just 20 minutes. But if it makes you leaner in the long run, your body (okay maybe your mind) will learn to forgive you. Who says quickies can't have their benefits? Well when it comes to getting or staying in shape, we say it's totally worth the half hour...and the results you will see in the mirror.

What are you waiting for...put on your running shoes and get out there!
--The ATL Fitness Club

For more information on fitness , strength , cardio , or nutrition check out our new web site (and Linkregister as a member for FREE!): .

Saturday, May 26, 2012

ATL Fitness Club "Pillow Talk" -- Why Sleeping is Essential for Staying Lean

Did you know that people who get fewer than 7 hours of sleep in a night tend to have a higher BMI ( Body Mass Index ) than those who get enough zzzzzs?

According to Fitness magazine, it's possible to shed some of that excess weight simply by snoozing more each night.

How is this possible, you ask? Well first of all when you're short on sleep, your body produces more cortisol (the stress hormone that causes you to carry weight in your midsection). The higher your cortisol levels are, the more fat your body "hangs onto for survival."

Secondly, when you don't get enough rest at night, your brain is obviously exhausted the next day...between trying to balance the stresses of work and the difficulty of trying to function at your best for even the smallest of tasks. When you're this tired, you are less likely to make smart lifestyle choices about what you eat, or even whether to hit the gym after work.

Lots of sleep-deprived people may even notice their cravings for carbohydrates (or fattening foods) increases dramatically, because your brain and your body are desperate for give you the energy you could have received from a good night's rest! Health experts at Fitness magazine say if you hit the pillow earlier at night and get more sleep, "you'll have fewer cravings for rich, fatty foods."

So here's the plan of action... Turn off your TV one hour earlier, put your phone on silent, and leave the Facebook news feed alone. When you "hit the sack," allow your brain to unwind, and lull you into 'Dreamland." Not only will you feel way more refreshed when that annoying alarm goes off in the AM, you may also find yourself shedding some weight in a matter of weeks.

No, this isn't a dream...Try it and see if it works for you!

--The ATL Fitness Club

For more helpful information about fitness , strength , cardio , or nutrition ...or to register as a member for FREE check out our web site: .

Thursday, May 24, 2012

ATL Fitness Club : You Can Run , But You Can't Hide (From Oxidative Stress & Inflammation)!

If doing cardio outside is part of your daily routine (like it is for some of us in the ATL Fitness Club ), then there are a couple of vitamin-rich foods you may want to incorporate into your daily routine... 

We're talking about foods that contain lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Why is this important? Because our bodies need the antioxidants during exercise!

Exercising in a polluted environment creates additional oxidative stress in the body, which can cause the body to churn out inflammation-causing compounds.

In a recent study, runners who had the highest antioxidant concentrations (from their diets) actually clocked the biggest time improvements when asked to do a timed trial run outdoors in the heat.

So what do antioxidants from our foods do for us? They can help reduce oxidative stress and decrease or even prevent airway inflammation (inflammation can injure the lungs and cause them to become less efficient during your runs.)
In summary, athletes who frequent the outdoors for a cardio workout should consume plenty of vitamin C and E from a healthy diet. Sources loaded with these vitamins include: broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, sweet potatoes, and mango.

The next time you head out to the grocery store, don't forget to add some of these fruits & veggies to your shopping cart. Not only will you be eating clean, you'll be preventing oxidative stress & inflammation from creeping up on your fine physique!

Here's to Achieving The Look , one stride at a time!
--The ATL Fitness Club

For more information on nutrition , cardio , strength , or fitness check out our web site (and become a member for FREE!): .

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ATL Fitness Club : Want Bigger Muscles ? There You "Grow!"

It's a cliche everyone's heard...and one that most fit men say may to themselves while checking out their reflections first in the morning: "Size matters."

Well for those of you who do that (and we won't ask you to raise your hand if you do) ... Here's a question: Have you ever wondered what it REALLY takes in the gym to increase the size of your...physique?

Well as frequent ATL Fitness Club gym rats who are continually searching for better diet ideas and workout suggestions ...We've recently uncovered (with the help of ) a new type of training style for lifting weights to increase mass . It's called "High Reps to Hugeness."

Here's how it works...When you're doing weight training in the gym,

  • Do 2 sets of 15 on everything except for the first exercise of a workout.
  • Do 1-2 warm-ups before your working sets.
  • Then do two sets (or sometimes just one if it kicks your butt, until you can get 15 reps).
  • Still go heavy, and sometimes, if necessary, use rest-pauses to get that "magic 15."

If you can usually get 15 reps, that's awesome...But if you fail beforehand, just rest and knock out the reps you owe "rest-pause" style! This may help prevent injuries in the gym, and the muscle stimulation should be more than enough to get bigger, leaner, and have a harder body.

Need a sample training schedule? We train Tuesdays through Fridays with Sundays and Mondays off (to better coordinate with our work schedules), so any five-day split, whichever days you can make it, will work fine. Our split is as follows:

    • Sunday: Off
    • Monday: Off
    • Tuesday: Back
    • Wednesday: Chest
    • Thursday: Legs
    • Friday: Shoulders/Traps
    • Saturday: Arms

What about legs and abs, you ask? Well we do calves and abs every day that we train.

Our calf exercises are usually one of these, at 2 sets of 25 reps:

-donkey calf raises,

-seated calf extensions

-leg press calf raises

We do abs most days at 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

MAJOR TIP FOR SUCCESS: If you reach failure (let's just hypothetically say "10") reps, you should rack the weight, take 5 deep breaths, and then knock your final 5 reps. This is called a rest-pause set. The goal of this program is to always get 15 reps, NO MATTER WHAT (even if you have to rest twice)!

You may end up doing maybe 9 reps, take 5 deep breaths, do 4 more reps, take 2-3 deep breaths, and then complete your final 2 reps. The most important thing to do is consistently add weight to the bar while completing your 15 reps. And when you can complete 15 reps, guess what happens next? Yes, you can increase your weight (and yes, look even more like a badass in the gym!).

So if you're one of those fitness fanatics who is trying to bulk up from your workouts, try this "High Reps to Hugeness" routine. In less than one month, you will be lookin' like one BIG, BAD WOLF in the gym. We dare you to try it!

--The ATL Fitness Club

For more tips on nutrition , fitness , cardio , or strength be sure to check out (and register as a member for FREE on) our web site: .

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Get "GAC'd Up" in the Gym with ATL Fitness Club !

We said it was coming...and they'll be here in June 2012!

We're talking about ATL Fitness Club 's GAC supplements ... We'll be rolling out a 30-day supply of GAC packs, which is a pre-workout supplement of capsules containing pharmaceutical-grade Glutamine , Arginine , and Carnitine.

So what can our GAC'd Up supplements do for you? Here are the details:

Up is a pharmaceutical-grade (no fillers) formula of pre-workout supplements containing:

500 mg of pure, crystalline L-Glutamine
1,400 mg of pure, crystalline L-Arginine
250 mg of pure, natural L-Carnitine

The amino acid glutamine plays a key role in the metabolism, structure, and function of the entire gastro-intestinal tract and its extensive immune system. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in blood, and is a vehicle for nitrogen transport. Many clinical studies support the fact that dietary and endogenous glutamine is crucial in maintaining normal function of the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas. Glutamine helps maintain normal intestinal permeability, mucosal cell regeneration and structure, especially during periods of physiological stress or exercise.
Glutamine may also block sugar and alcohol cravings. This amino acid is a glycogenic amino acid which means it can convert sugar for energy production. This may cause blood sugar stabilization, which in part, may decrease alcohol and sugar cravings.
Most athletes find major benefits in supplementing with l-glutamine to increase lean muscle mass, minimize body fat, and aid in recovery.

L-arginine is required for the synthesis of creatine phosphate. Similar to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate functions as a carrier of readily available energy for contractile work in muscles. Adequate reservoirs of creatine phosphate are necessary in muscle as an energy reserve for anaerobic activity. L-arginine is a potent stimulator of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone release, and functions as a representative signal to the endocrine system that dietary protein ingestion has taken place. is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels, allowing them to expand and increase the amount of blood flow that reaches muscles during exercise. This increased blood flow allows additional oxygen to reach the working muscles, enhancing performance and stimulating growth. Arginine has also been found to strengthen the immune system, boost energy and increase lean muscle mass.

L-carnitine is necessary for fatty acid metabolism and energy production in cardiac and skeletal muscle. It is involved in fatty acid oxidation as part of the carnitine shuttle. L-carnitine shuttles fatty acids from the cytosol (the cell fluid) into the mitochondria (the
cell’s powerhouses) for oxidation and energy production. L-carnitine is necessary in muscle
whenever fat is utilized as an energy source. Heart muscle always uses fat for its continuous energy demands. Skeletal muscle begins using fat only after its glycogen reserves are exhausted. This happens after about one hour of continuous, strenuous exercise, e.g., long-distance running, bicycling, swimming, or mountain climbing.

We are currently taking orders for our GAC'd Up packs if you're ready to give your exercise regimen an extra boost.

The price will only set you back $49 (that's just $1.63 a day to have an amazing workout every day for one month). Shipping, if you're not an Atlanta native, will be an extra $10.

***To place an order before they hit the shelves of gyms, nutrition stores, and smoothie shops, email us at: .

Here's the perk: If you sign up as one of our members at , we'll give you 10% off your order. So what are you waiting for? It's time to get "GAC'd Up!"

--The ATL Fitness Club

Oh and one last thing... Be on the lookout for more pharmaceutical-grade ATL Fitness Club supplements which will soon be available for purchase as well: ATL- Carnitine , ATL- Glutamine , and Pure Whey Protein Powder.

REFERENCES: APS Pharmacy of Clearwater, FL ; Douglas Labs ;

Sunday, May 13, 2012

ATL Fitness Club is "All Up in Ya Grill!"

Summer vacation for the kids is approaching, which means more time at home with the family to fire up the grill …and did you know? 4 out of 5 people say burgers are their favorite grilled food!
Typical burgers made of ground beef, however, can also be jam-packed with up to 300 calories and nine grams of artery-clogging saturated fat for just one four-ounce burger.

Here are some ATL Fitness Club -friendly options that are lower in calories and saturated fat:

-Lean Beef Burger (93/7): 170 calories, 3g saturated fat

-Turkey Burger (95/5): 180 calories, 2g saturated fat

-Salmon Burger: 110 calories, 0.5g saturated fat

-Organic Veggie Burger: 110 calories, 0.5g saturated fat

-Portobello Caps: 40 calories, 0g saturated fat

For even more nutritional ideas or suggestions for improving your fitness & exercise regimen check out: .

Here’s to Achieving the Look. Have a healthy week!
The ATL Fitness Club

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Yes, Whey! The Scoop on Which Protein is Best for You

As fitness & nutrition gurus in the Atlanta area, we hear questions like these pretty frequently... "What's all this buzz about protein? Why are there so many products out there? Which is the best type of protein to have?"

So to answer some of these questions, ATL Fitness Club has some helpful info for you to read in order to point you in the right direction!

Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey, which is the liquid material created as a byproduct of cheese production. Whey protein typically comes in three major forms: concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate.

Whey concentrates contain a low level of fat and cholesterol but, in general, have higher levels of carbohydrates in the form of lactose. Supplements containing whey protein concentrate help satiate you, which means it can hold you over longer in between meals.

Whey isolates are processed to remove the fat, and lactose, but are usually lower in bioactivated (plant/food) compounds. Supplements containing whey protein isolate get into your system fastest, which is helpful in the recovery process after working out.

Whey hydrolysates are predigested, partially hydrolyzed whey proteins that are more easily absorbed, but their cost is generally higher. They are also very bitter in taste, which may be why most protein supplements on the market are typically not formulated with this type of whey.

To sum it up, whey is essential in the fitness industry today because of its efficient ability to build muscle very quickly.

Whey protein supplements like shakes and bars are most commonly used after workouts to help increase levels of amino acids in the blood, which are taken up by the muscles.

A recent study of athletes showed that during exercise, whey protein actually improves the flow of nutrients to areas of the body which help repair and rebuild muscle tissues.

Researchers suggest whey protein supplementation, in conjunction with exercise, can provide great benefits to lean muscle mass growth and muscle maintenance.

Look for a pharmaceutical-grade whey protein isolate/concentrate formula on .

Here's to getting your protein in the proper "whey!"

--The ATL Fitness Club

SOURCES: News release, McMaster University. Burd, N. The Journal of Nutrition, April 2011.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Shake Things Up! ATL Fitness Club Recommends Almond Milk

If you're trying to jazz up your protein shake but need a healthier alternative to, say, cow's milk or just plain water, why not try some almond milk?

ATL Fitness Club suggests you try Almond Breeze 's Almond Milk / Coconut Milk Blend.

It's 60 calories, and tastes great with your low calorie protein powder (stay tuned for ATL Fitness Club's private label Pure Protein supplement coming soon!).

This almond/coconut milk combination is not only low in calories, it's got (in a one cup serving):

-180 mg of Potassium
-6 net carbs
-1 gram of fiber
-and only 1 gram of saturated fat

It's also:

-dairy, soy, & lactose FREE
-ALL natural
-made from REAL almonds & coconut
-an excellent source of Calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E

So the next time you make a protein beverage, shake things up by using some almond/coconut milk. You'll feel as great as you look after drinking it!

Bottoms up,
--The ATL Fitness Club

For more information on nutrition , strength , cardio , and fitness visit our web site: .