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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

ATL Fitness Club : "Beaches" Be Like... Summer Vacation is Just Around the Corner!

With summer rapidly approaching.. Your bikini (even as it remains hidden in your underwear drawer) is eagerly anticipating the warmth of your fit physique and the cool refreshing feeling of the ocean breeze and the crisp saltwater. Your bikini's ready... but are YOU “bikini ready”?

That’s the question you may be asking yourself when you open that drawer to retrieve a pair of boy shorts, only to accidentally grab that bathing suit you try it on.

As you squeeze and twist your way into last season's skull & crossbones (or any other fun printed) number, you and look yourself up and down in your full-length mirror and suddenly it becomes painfully apparent: 

Spring has arrived and the summer season is just around the corner (insert exclamatory "Yiiiiiikes!" expression here)!

Well you're not alone... Join the ATLFitness Club crew and all the other health gurus in the Atlanta metro area who are crash-dieting, gulping down workout supplements and bumping up their exercise routines in order to emulate the body compositions of bronze gods & goddesses during the upcoming beach and swimming pool season.

Yes, it’s THAT time of year again-- It’s Beast Mode time! 

We at ATL Fitness Club are here to make "getting bikini ready" fun for everyone by encouraging all of you to stay motivated about seeing amazing results with a clean diet, engaging in productive exercise and exceeding your fitness goals. In other words, we are dedicated to helping you " Achieve The Look " (duh!).

So to help you better prepare for your guest appearance on the beach this summer... we as the founders of ATL Fitness Club strongly urge you to heed all of the following 5 suggestions to get in the best shape of your life (since last summer, of course): 

1) Set a desired weight loss goal for yourself and post it somewhere (like on your fridge or desk computer) that it will constantly be visible. Whether your goal is to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds, make sure to monitor your progress by weighing yourself daily (first thing when you wake up, in the buff), and record it each day until you've reached your deadline. Writing down your improvements daily can help you hold yourself accountable for your weight loss goals.

2) Specify a date for when you'd like reach your weight loss goal. If you're like some of us in the ATL Fitness Club you may accomplish way better results when the "gun is to your head" (yes, some of us are horrible procrastinators). Setting an exact date to shed those excess pounds from Easter brunch (and all those other cheat meals) should help keep you focused on your weight loss efforts to get into that yellow polka dot bikini... just like the song!

3) Set a "maximum caloric intake" for yourself and stick to it daily. Not only can counting your calories prevent you from scooping up that handful of Starburst jellybeans from the office candy jar during the week, but you will also be educating yourself about the nutritional value (or lack thereof) in the foods you are regularly eating (who knew there were 21 carbs in just one Krispy Kreme?! Oops.). 

4) Find an exercise and/or diet partner so both of you can hold each other accountable. When you have a buddy to meet you at the gym for a tandem workout or someone to simply inquire about what you're eating daily, you will definitely be more conscientious of what you do (and don't do) to get to your "bikini ready" goals.

5) Evaluate your daily and weekly diet, weight loss results and exercise progress with your "accountability partner" and adapt to produce your desired result. Let's say your workout buddy happens to lose 2 more pounds than you in a week. Take note of what he/she is doing differently, try to implement it for yourself, and see if you can meet or beat his/her results the following week! Hey let's face it... a little competition never hurt anybody, right?!

Phewwwww okay... Now that we are hopefully all on the same page, let’s get this party started!

If you need any help customizing a meal plan or even a workout routine to fit your body type and lifestyle just send us an email at

As a reminder, ATL Fitness Club is here to assist you with your journey towards a healthier and effective supplement, diet and fitness-based lifestyle as well as an exercise routine.

Wanna learn more about our high quality, affordable supplements that can help you more effectively reach your goals? Then read about them at (you know you want to) or shoot us an email.

Let us know how the ATL Fitness Club can help you " Achieve The Look " you want... so you can be even more "bikini ready" than you ever imagined! And if you exhibit some awesome, newsworthy results during Mission Bikini Ready, be sure to send us your before and after goals, pictures and results. We'd love to share them with our ATL Fitness Club community! 

For more information about our fitness products & services visit our web site at .

Here's to fun in the sun & yellow polka dot bikinis ("banana hammock" thongs & Speedos optional)!
--The ATL Fitness Club

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