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Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's Gettin' Hot in Herrrrr.... Why ATL Fitness Club Recommends Spicy Foods

Is it hot in here, or is it just us?!

One great piece of nutritional information ATL Fitness Club would like to share with you is that spicy foods can help you burn more calories (aka "Achieve The Look)!

According to a recent article on a British fitness site, spicy foods help burn fat because they temporarily increase your metabolic rate .

Some spices have even been found to raise your metabolic rate by as much as 50% for up to three hours after you consume the hot stuff on your plate!

The reason spices boost your metabolic rate is because they raise your body’s temperature (you will notice this yourself when eating spicy foods), which in turn raises your heart rate.

Spices are also believed to have
thermogenic properties (which means they stimulate your body’s fat burning process).

You may have even noticed that cayenne, a red hot chili pepper, is found in many weight loss pills because it stimulates fat burning.

The overall result is that eating spicy foods can increase the amount of fat and calories you burn for a short (but beneficial) amount of time following consumption.

For more helpful nutrition tips or information about boosting your workout regimen visit our web site: .

Here's to hot peppers and cool physiques!
--The ATL Fitness Club

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