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Monday, July 2, 2012

"Flabs of Steel:" ATL Fitness Club 's 5 Things NOT to Do in the Gym (if you're trying to lose weight)!

Let's be honest. When we're in the gym there are always those certain members working out beside you (on the treadmill or in the weight area) who desire to lose weight , but are simply going about it the wrong way during their exercise regimen. So here's a list from ATL Fitness Club of the 5 Things You Shouldn't Do in the Gym when you're trying to lose a considerable amount of weight:

1. Abs.

Abs, first of all, are made in the kitchen. By this we mean, you will never truly be able to see your abs until you correct your diet. When you start eating healthfully and begin losing weight in your mid-section, only then will you be able to identify that 6-pack you've been searching for all this time.

2. Training Heavy.

In order to lean out, you initially want to completely exhaust your muscles, and rebuild the fibers within your body parts. Repetition is key, so you want to work your muscles using light weights and lots of repetitions (as in 15 to 20 reps per set), instead of using heavy weights (and only going 6-10 reps per set). Training heavy will only cause you to bulk up, which will definitely NOT result in weight loss.

3. Cardio for Long Periods of Time at a Mediocre Pace.

In order to burn the maximum number of calories, it's important to get your heart rate up. So if you're walking at a moderate pace for one hour, you won't benefit from cardio training as well as you would by doing 30 minutes of interval training (as in, 30 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking, alternated for an entire half hour, followed by a 5-minute cool down).

4. Using Unnecessary Machinery.

Using weight machines/devices such as the flat bench, leg press, squat rack, etc. are NOT essential for losing weight. These machines are generally designed for athletes aiming to put on size. If weight loss is your primary goal, then focus on exercises that will burn the maximum amount of calories per set, such as leg extensions, lunges, step-ups, etc. Try to execute high reps of exercises that will keep your heart rate up throughout the duration of your workout.

5. Doing Long and Slow-Paced Workouts.

We can't stress enough that your entire time in the gym (or outdoors) working out should be spent increasing your heart rate. So if you're talking on the phone while walking on the treadmill or reading a book while you're pedaling on the stationary bike, you may not be doing enough to burn the maximum amount of calories during your workout. It's not about the amount of time you spend in the gym (because some people like to brag about spending 2 hours in the gym a day)'s about what you actually accomplish while you're working out--especially if you're trying to lose weight.

So remember: Just because you go to the gym to work out does NOT mean you have to lift heavy, use machines you're unfamiliar with, or that you need to hang out for hours at a time. What you do in a short amount of time to get your heart rate up is the most crucial part of the visit to your local workout facility. In just 30 minutes to an hour, you can get a quality workout in if you're spending your time wisely. And by doing the right exercises in that amount of time, you'll be able to reach your weight loss goals, and ultimately...Achieve The Look.

For more information about fitness , nutrition , cardio , or strength training , visit our web site (and become a member for FREE) at: .

Here's to the burn, burn, burn!

-The ATL Fitness Club

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