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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ATL Fitness Club Featured Blogger Jasmine Parr Says, "Treat Your Body Like a Temple, Not a Dumpster!"

Momma always said life was like a box of brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and salad! Didn’t she? Does that not sound appealing? I wish momma had started me out on more vegetables, instead every second of the day I yearn for something sweet. I am a self-admitted sugar ADDICT! I say that last sentence with the utmost serious tone. Mount Everest… sure. CrossFit “Angie”… sure. Marathon…sure. No sugar…. Houston we have a problem! My horrible eating habits as a kid continue to sabotage me from seeing the results I really want! Its like I take 2 steps forward and 3 back. I know I’m not the only one with this problem! So how does this happen and what can we try and do about it?!

Dr. Robert H. Lustig has done extensive research on this topic and by his theories we were born this way. Think about before agriculture; back then our only source of sugar came from fruit. Now a days sugar and high fructose corn syrup are cheap to refine and are found in everything!! Could you eat 10 oranges at a time? The answer is probably no. This is because it has natural fiber that slows our consumption down, but I bet I could eat several candy bars or pints of Ben and Jerry’s. Thus this leads to another researched area of sugar addiction. Dr. Eric Stice has used functional MRI scanners to learn how our brain reacts to sugar. He says, “sugar reacts to our brain in a special way that is reminiscent to drugs like cocaine”. It hits the same reward regions in our brain and a chemical called dopamine is released, just like in drugs or alcohol. The worse thing is that with continued use we need more of it to create the same effect and stimulation for our brain. Eyyy yiii yii!!!

What have we gotten ourselves into! The only resolution for me is to now resist everything that has refined sugar and is processed. This way I know there are no hidden sugars in it! Also when you feel a craving coming on do some burpees! It sounds funny and a little ridiculous but I promise it will help control your food intake and cravings. Lastly, be mindful of what you are putting into your body! We need to start treating our bodies like a temple, not a dumpster!! Let’s do this!!

Here's to Achieving the Look,


References: “Is Sugar Toxic?” CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 21 Aug. 2012.

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