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Thursday, May 24, 2012

ATL Fitness Club : You Can Run , But You Can't Hide (From Oxidative Stress & Inflammation)!

If doing cardio outside is part of your daily routine (like it is for some of us in the ATL Fitness Club ), then there are a couple of vitamin-rich foods you may want to incorporate into your daily routine... 

We're talking about foods that contain lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Why is this important? Because our bodies need the antioxidants during exercise!

Exercising in a polluted environment creates additional oxidative stress in the body, which can cause the body to churn out inflammation-causing compounds.

In a recent study, runners who had the highest antioxidant concentrations (from their diets) actually clocked the biggest time improvements when asked to do a timed trial run outdoors in the heat.

So what do antioxidants from our foods do for us? They can help reduce oxidative stress and decrease or even prevent airway inflammation (inflammation can injure the lungs and cause them to become less efficient during your runs.)
In summary, athletes who frequent the outdoors for a cardio workout should consume plenty of vitamin C and E from a healthy diet. Sources loaded with these vitamins include: broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, sweet potatoes, and mango.

The next time you head out to the grocery store, don't forget to add some of these fruits & veggies to your shopping cart. Not only will you be eating clean, you'll be preventing oxidative stress & inflammation from creeping up on your fine physique!

Here's to Achieving The Look , one stride at a time!
--The ATL Fitness Club

For more information on nutrition , cardio , strength , or fitness check out our web site (and become a member for FREE!): .

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